We are authorized...
by various flag Administrations to act on their behalf for conducting surveys and issue certificates. We carry out surveys and issue statutory certificates in accordance with the IMO Conventions, Codes as well as national requirements pertaining to ship safety and the prevention of marine pollution.

The validity of statutory certificates is to be as follows according to the kind of statutory certificate, and unless otherwise provided for by the flag state of the ship.
International Load Line Certificate: 5 years
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate: 5 years
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate: 5 years
Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate: 5 years
Cargo Ship Safety Certificate: 5 years
Exemption Certificate: the same as the relevant Convention Certificate
International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate: 5 years
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk: 5 years
International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Liquid Chemicals in Bulk: 5 years
Certificates in compliance with the ISM Code
ISSC and Interim ISSC
International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate: 5 years
Certificate of Fitness for Ship Carrying Dangerous Goods: 5 years
International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate: 5 years
MLC and Interim MLC
International Ballast Water Management Certificate: 5 years
DOC 5 years
SMC 5 years
Interim DOC not longer than 6 months
Interim SMC not longer than 6 months
ISSC: 5 years
Interim ISSC: not longer than 6 months
MLC: 5 years
Interim ISSC: not longer than 6 months Interim MLC: not longer than 6 months
IMB Class may extend the validity of statutory certificates in accordance with the provisions of International Conventions, etc. under the direction of the Government of the flag state.