We undertake...
reviews and approvals of manuals in accordance with our Classification Rules and Regulations as well as national and international standards. Among the manuals and plans we can approve include:

Your initial request is handled by our Technical Department that will usually request the following documents:
- Ballast Water Management Plan (BWMP)
- Trim and Stability Booklet (T&SB)
- Grain Stability Booklet (GRB)
- Damage Stability Booklet (DSB)
- Cargo Securing Manual (CSM)
- Shipboard Oil Pollution Prevention Plan (SOPEP)
- Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP)
- P&A Manual
- Freeboard Calculations
- Strength Evaluation
- Tonnage Measurements
- Hydrostatic Calculations
- Sounding Tables
- Inclining Experiments
- Fire and Safety Plan
- Ship Security Assessment and Plan
- Hull Stress and Stability Evaluation
- Calculations and plan design of minor and major alterations
- Cost evaluation
- New building services on behalf of owners